Tony Wijekoon

Tony Wijekoon

Born and bred in a remote village in hill country of Sri Lanka I relocated to the city in the late adolescence to pursue my career and personal goals. I started my professional journey in my early twenties with the aim of living a better life however it did not take me long to realise that path to fulfilling the dreams was rocky. Having survived a series of challenges both in my personal and professional life, I steered my life to a whole new direction of resilience and growth. Instead of letting the setbacks discourage me, I used them as steppingstones towards personal and professional development. I was fortunate to migrate to Australia in early 2000s with my family and start a whole new chapter of opportunities. Today, I stand proud of how far I have come. The rocky path I initially encountered taught me resilience, adaptability, and the importance of staying true to my goals and values. While the journey may have been challenging, it has shaped me into the person I am today.
